reason vs emotions

I reckon that many of my students are sad/upset/enraged today over the rebranding of SASER. And I wouldn’t fault them for it-since SASER is held dear in the hearts of each SASERian. And that’s where I draw the line.

To point fingers at any individual without knowing the whole facts is terribly juvenile, to say the least. It’s not fair to accuse or blame someone without knowing the facts-no matter how you feel about the person.

SASER as a name may not exist physically- as it now is part of history. But SASER lives on in every single one of us-in the lessons we learn, the friendships , the bonds we forge-and,most importantly- the memories we all share.

I would be lying if I were to say I wasn’t upset over the rebranding.but then we can’t be living in is all about moving forward, about dynamism, about progression. We can’t be living in the past. Instead, we should learn from it so that we will have a better present & future.

Don’t destroy the good reputation that all of us have painstakingly built by staging protests or anything of the sort. Let us all remember SASER, and, subsequently, be remembered for our good deeds, not for our emotional outbursts.

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