counting our blessings

I had the opportunity to read a very insightful blog today, after browsing through the news feed on my FB page.

The (original) writer of the blog had,apparently, passed away some two months ago.Amazingly, in death, as in life, he continued to inspire people, all over the world. Which is no mean feat, considering he was only 26 when he passed away.

Afzal was a cancer patient, whose lymphoma had relapsed after a year. Reading his blog entries was soothing, calming, comforting even. It was clear that this young man had a big heart, always giving to those in need. He never questioned why God had chosen to test him with a lymphoma, and the ensuing chemotherapy and the regimes that follow suit. He had not only the flair of quoting Quranic verses and hadith in his blog entries,but also shared supplications (doas) that we can practice in our daily lives.And that was the part that left me impressed. I don’t know many 26 year olds,or,for that matter,my friends who could. Which goes on to show how strong Afzal’s faith is, imho. He touched so many hearts with his words of inspiration, telling us never to give up on life,never to take life(or our loved ones) for granted,and to never question why things happen to us.What impressed me was the fact that him quoting Quranic verses/hadiths wasn’t done to show off, or to prescribe his beliefs/ideas to his readers. He was just sharing.Reading his entries,it was as if he was there right beside you,telling you the story as it unfolds.
And what was touching was the entry written by his mother,after Afzal’s passing. Even the strongest and sternest of hearts would crumble reading what his Mama wrote.Clearly the two of them had a very special bond.

Thank you,Afzal, for sharing with me your wisdom. While I’m sorry that you’re gone too soon (in the words of Michael Jackson), I pray that your soul will dwell in Jannah amongst those loved by اَللهَ S.W.T.
Al Fatihah.

Read Afzal’s blog here

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